Monday, August 13, 2012

The victorious thrust of MIND

The victorious thrust of MIND


Julio C. Rivas, CS

          When I think of Artemisia Gentileschi, the 17th century painting prodigy, I am reminded of spiritual might and resolve.  I admire the way she triumphed over suffering and adversity to become a talented and successful artist. 

          She became the first woman artist to run a large studio with many assistants.  Royal patrons from throughout Europe commissioned her.   She also obtained multiple church commissions. 

Unlike other women artists of her day who came from privileged backgrounds, Artemisia had much to overcome before rising to success.  She was born to a lower class family – the daughter of Orazio, a Tuscan goldsmith, and her painting instructor.  She also lost her mother to death when she was 12 and was subjected to a degree of household violence.

Then at the age of 18 she was raped by an artistic collaborator of her father.  After this ordeal she was accused of immorality and regarded as dishonored.  Her testimony was invalidated because of it.  She persisted anyway. 

After submitting to torture by thumbscrew and maintaining the veracity of her story during torture, her testimony was accepted as true and her violator was found guilty. 

There are many individuals throughout history whose stories of struggle and triumph serve to give us courage and determination. 

When we doubt our abilities to persist we can remind ourselves that within us abides the might of MIND-GOD.  We belong to MIND and have access to its spiritual resources. Even when our social standing, age, past failures and genetics do not favor us, MIND does.

Limitations and impediments of any kind are invalidated by the energy, intelligence and talents MIND generates in us.  Contrary to a matter-trapped, human ego, one’s true self is the celestial product of superlative MIND.  Protean skills, ingenuity and boldness fill our divine reserve and they catapult us toward outstanding success. 

M. B. Eddy, who is a remarkable example of victory over adversity, wrote, “The divine Mind is the Soul of man, and gives man victory over all things.”

The early Christians, who often were subjected to false accusations, ridicule, torture and death for their beliefs, drew on MIND’s wisdom and power to accomplish great things. 

The apostle Paul let MIND project him toward his goals.  Extreme hardships and setbacks were not uncommon to his life.  His reliance on MIND, and the resolute prayers of his associates, lifted him to life after being stoned to death.  His amazing life-experiences give great weight to his writings.  He emboldens us with this declaration, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

MIND is working in us to overcome affliction, sickness and calamity.  MIND is engendering in us celestial health, intelligence, love and talents.   

Our spiritual constitution represents the victorious thrust of MIND. 

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