Julio C. Rivas, CS
LOVE-GOD is inexhaustible
creativity. LOVE’s creative expression
is understood through a spiritual interpretation of the physical universe and
Physical life begins, develops, falls apart and
dies. But the spiritual man and universe
are limitless and beautiful. They are
exempt from aging, breakdown and finality.
We are the ever-unfolding masterpiece of SPIRIT. Scripture says that we are the “manifestation of
Spirit” and that this understanding is “given to profit withal.” We are in whom “God worketh … to will and to
do of his good pleasure.”
When we are convinced of this our hearts echo
Isaiah: “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord” – in the majestic workings of
LOVE is unfolding spiritual goodness
in us – it is creating health, supply, love and success. We exist as LOVE’s creative
and interminable expression. Our spiritual essence is independent of decay-prone,
organic matter.
We gain more health, intelligence and character by
accepting our spiritual self – by de-materializing our views. In defiance of physical evidence, we
can celebrate our magnificent, celestial substance.
Great fruitage is obtained by affirming this
with conviction: “LOVE ‘hath clothed me with the garments of salvation … with
righteousness.’ I am blended with MIND-GOD, emitting divine health,
endless life, integrity, intelligence, and dominion.”
The writer of Acts explains that “as
we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like
unto gold, or silver or stone, graven by art and man’s device.” An updated version of this would read this
way: “We are the offspring of pure MIND, transcending physical limits – beyond bio-chemical,
genetic, molecular and atomic restraints.”
Sometimes the media reports that it has been
proven by mind-body researchers that intercessory prayer is effective. At other times they report that it is
not. What we do through metaphysical
prayer is not “intercessory prayer” because we are not pleading with God to
intervene in material events.
Our MIND-based prayers heal because they align
us with superlative spiritual reality. The
eternal facts of divine TRUTH correct material problems because the latter are merely
misconceptions. Our prayers begin and end with spiritual
perfection as the eminent reality. This
kind of spiritual cognizance erases material impediments, sin, illness and
The creative, renewing
and expanding force of MIND-LOVE can correct/heal anything wrong. Careers, businesses, families, friends,
neighbors, churches, cities and the world can be made congruent with GOD. TRUTH understood is just supplanting distortions with divine facts.
We are the immortal outcome of preeminent and
ever-creative LOVE-SPIRIT.
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