Thursday, August 16, 2012

Enlightened Faith is a Gift from MIND

Enlightened Faith is a Gift from MIND


Julio C. Rivas, CS

“Thy faith had made thee whole,” said Jesus to the man he had healed.   The man’s expectancy of healing bore fruitage.  The man welcomed Jesus’ illuminating and redemptive teachings and his trust in them healed him. 

The New Testament describes faith as being a state of conviction in what we don’t see, but hope for.  People live by faith in more ways than they acknowledge.  This is true even among those who do not believe so.  Merely getting up every day and doing what is required of us expresses faith in improved outcomes. 

What about faith in the power of SPIRIT-GOD to heal us?  There are many who do not have such faith but wish they did.  Even those who have experienced the healing grace of LOVE have instances when they need to rekindle their faith. 

Enlightened faith rushes into us when we welcome it as a gift from MIND-GOD, and not as something we have to manufacture.  It confirms that we are inextricably linked to LOVE-GOD. 

LOVE’s compelling “spirit” kindles faith.  It transforms into understanding which produces healing.  But even more rewarding than healing is the profound sense of oneness with the allness of SPIRIT-LOVE that one gains.

 We can anchor ourselves in the realization that SPIRIT is preeminent substance and that man is its incorporeal and consummate outcome.  When we do this, we feel confident in SPIRIT’s restorative and wellness-amplifying effects.

 SPIRIT-LOVE is showering us with immaculate, non-material wholeness.  Exuberant abilities and means are bursting in our spiritual composition.  No material distress can debase or compromise our SPIRIT-designed-and-enforced magnificence.  

As a volunteer chaplain at the county jail in my city I often met with inmates for prayer and counseling sessions.  It was quite common for many of them to believe that their personal failures prevented them from meriting GOD’s healing love.  Therefore, faith in LOVE’s fidelity to them was too much of a stretch. 

But this changed for some when they learned to accept faith and healing as the outpouring of LOVE’s irrepressible and infinite nature.  They experienced meaningful healings.

One young man, suffering from a liver damaged by excessive alcohol and drug abuse, suddenly found he had a healthy liver, and it stayed so.  His new-found faith catalyzed spiritual changes in him.  After experiencing this healing, it was communing with LOVE that produced his “highs.”

MIND-fed, illumined faith can pulverize a “mountain” of doubts, fears, diseases, and other impediments.  It releases a torrent of love, wisdom, and energy.   

This kind of faith honors GOD, makes evident our spiritual nature, and fructifies our lives. 

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