The Spiritual Peace that
Julio C. Rivas, CS
“… the God of peace shall be with
you” wrote Paul to the Philippians. Yet, there is much conflict in the world: among
nations, and within nations -- among interest groups and individuals.
Human peace does not come easily. Most people experience plenty of disappointments,
setbacks, betrayals, anxieties, losses and tragedies. When we do experience peace it can be short-lived. Sometimes, peace is deceiving because it
hides insidious evil.
So, what is peace? Is it a lack of conflict? Is getting along with one another the top
priority? Is there more to peace than
the absence of discord?
As a desirable human condition,
peace includes amity, harmony, order, agreement, rest, stillness and
contentment. But spiritually speaking it
is Mind-God’s active, harmonizing power.
A “God of peace” manifests concord everywhere – in man and throughout
the universe.
Jesus Christ said, “Come to Me, all you who
labor and are heavy-laden and over burdened, and I will give you rest – I will
ease and relieve and refresh your souls.” He meant that by communing with Mind-Love we
gain spiritual renewal and peace. Christly
wisdom produces resolution of internal and external conflicts.
Mind’s peace is a divine law that harmonizes our
minds, bodies and relationships. It has
the power to still a hurricane of troubles.
The superlative and absolute nature of
Spirit-Mind makes peace an omnipresent, spiritual reality. The non-material, divine “I AM ALL” provides peace,
security and certainty.
The All-Spirit leaves nothing outside of its
spiritual comprehensiveness. Therefore,
Spirit is the substance of everything.
We derive from Spirit a matter-transcending, empyreal nature and this
nature is peaceful and whole. Everyone’s
spiritual identity is exempt from discord.
A glimpse of this divine truth enforces Soul’s harmony in multiple ways –
financially, psychologically, physiologically and in our associations with
Our divine self has unity with Mind and
expresses Mind. This apprehension improves
the quality of our choices and decisions. Because of this understanding we manifest a
higher caliber of intelligence, ethics and morals. This induces confidence and peace.
Sometimes we deceive ourselves. We convince ourselves to believe there is
peace when none exists. The prophet
Jeremiah advises to not pretend and proclaim “Peace, peace, when there is no
peace.” Instead, says Scripture, we
should heed, “Be corrected, reformed, instructed and warned, O Jerusalem.” This means we must address those issues calling
out for healing, even if they represent painful wounds and we’ve covered them
up for a long time.
Mind’s wisdom will “overturn, overturn, overturn
until he come whose right it is.” This is
a biblically poetic way of saying that Mind’s intelligent guidance will replace
mistaken ways with successful ones.
To a resistant attitude, Love’s intelligent ways
of giving us peace may feel at first like the strike of a sword. To a receptive attitude, peace is experienced
as divine comfort, hope and guidance. As a sword it cuts through and removes adamant
fear, pride, self-righteousness, ignorance and selfishness. As a salve it closes old wounds and
alleviates hurts. Its intelligence directs
us away from failure-prone ways and places us on productive pathways.
Soul’s spiritual pathways to peace restored the
life of a man whose business and family were crumbling away. His health was also waning. Spiritual communion opened the mental door to
Love’s brilliantly effective answers. Old
and ingrained mental habits were replaced by Mind’s intelligent and productive
ones. His business, family and health
were saved.
Love-God’s peace is always enthroned. Love’s pacifying messages speak to us all the
time and in ways that heal us. Outstanding
early 20th century author and healer, M. B. Eddy, wrote that Love is
“… unfolding to mortals the immutable, harmonious divine Principle, -- is unfolding
Life and the universe, ever present and eternal.”
God’s spiritual love, peace and power are
supreme. Spiritual understanding proves
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