The triumphant light of SPIRIT
Spiritual metaphysics
penetrates the biblical stories and draws out their healing meaning -- messages
that communicate eternal TRUTH-LOVE. The
story of a “lamp-stand and two olive trees” is filled with spiritual
treasures. Let us review it. Then we will follow it up with spiritual
interpretations that educate, inspire and heal.
A Lampstand and Two Olive
Trees (NLB, Zech. 4: 1-14). 1 Then the angel who had been talking with me returned and woke me,
as though I had been asleep. 2 “What do you see now?” he asked. I
answered, “I see a solid gold lampstand with a bowl of oil on top of it. Around
the bowl are seven lamps, each having seven spouts with wicks. 3 And I
see two olive trees, one on each side of the bowl.” 4 Then I asked the
angel, “What are these, my lord? What do they mean?” 5 “Don’t you know?”
the angel asked. “No, my lord,” I replied. 6 Then he said to me,
“This is what the Lord says to
Zerubbabel: It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. 7
Nothing, not even a mighty mountain, will stand in Zerubbabel’s way; it will
become a level plain before him! And when Zerubbabel sets the final stone of
the Temple in place, the people will shout: ‘May God bless it! May God bless
it!’” 8 Then another message came to me from the Lord: 9 “Zerubbabel is the one who
laid the foundation of this Temple, and he will complete it. Then you will know
that the Lord of Heaven’s Armies
has sent me. 10 Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to
see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.” (The seven lamps represent the eyes
of the Lord that search all around
the world.) 11 Then I asked the angel, “What are these two olive trees
on each side of the lampstand, 12 and what are the two olive branches
that pour out golden oil through two gold tubes?” 13 “Don’t you know?”
he asked. “No, my lord,” I replied. 14 Then he said to me, “They
represent the two heavenly beings who stand in the court of the Lord of all the
We can start interpreting it metaphysically by employing M. B.
Eddy’s (a brilliant, early 20th century theologian) definitions of “oil”
as “heavenly inspiration” and “light” as “revelation and progress.”
Divine TRUTH-GOD’s revelations and inspiration wake us up from the
hypnotic grip of materiality – from fear, defeat, doubt, lack, illness, anger,
resentment and so forth.
They give us understanding and gratitude. They may stir in us recollections of how LOVE’s
providence and wisdom have saved us before.
Spiritual “oil” and “light” impart the confidence and wisdom we need to
thrust forward against new obstacles.
The “angel messenger” tells Zechariah to remember how 16 years
before MIND-LOVE had made it possible for Jewish leader, Zerubbabel, to build a
trust-relationship with the Persian king which led the king to give freedom to
many Jews. Then Zerubabbel, with the
Persian king’s permission and support, led the newly liberated Jews back to Judah. Once they arrived there they worked together
to rebuild their lives. An important
symbol of this was how quickly they started rebuilding Jerusalem and the Jewish
temple. Divine fortitude and guidance
overcame multiple obstacles.
This energizes Zechariah to motivate and re-dedicate his people to
finish rebuilding the city of Jerusalem and their temple. Their spiritual tenacity, intelligence and
savvy resolve many setbacks and challenges.
“Angels” represent Mind’s intelligent guidance. When we are open to them they alter our
confused reasoning. They liberate,
inspire, enable and transform us. They
show us more than material intellect can.
They bring us into our perfect, immortal, fruitful nature. MIND’s intelligent ideas communicate, inspire
and impel us today like they’ve done it for receptive people down through the
We may be mired in difficulties and suffering. We may lack the health, faith, intellect,
courage, vision, talents, social/business connections, and knowledge to achieve
what we wish. But MIND wakes us up to new
opportunities and resources. We also discern
new directions that had not been visible before. LOVE’s noble goals become attainable. The “angels of the Lord” make everything good
Our resources, abilities
and attainments do not originate in a limited, mortal, physical identity. All our good is from SPIRIT, who is
all-substance, and the fountain of our spiritual lives. SPIRIT-GOD’s unlimited intelligence, might, health
and resources abound in us.
With MIND fueling us we can take small initial steps, or bold and
big ones. As the means and ways of SPIRIT reveal
themselves we will witness that even mountains of obstacles will be made flat. “Heaven’s
Armies” of intelligent ideas and abilities will lead us to grand achievements.
The seven lamps, and all Biblical references to light, represent GOD’s effulgence, the complete hues of
LOVE’s all-healing, all-revealing, all-loving, holy revelations. They induce courage, creativity and
inventiveness. They eradicate the darkness of ignorance, fear, disease and
failure. They enable us to experience abundant
spiritual health, to receive and give love, and to build strong relationships
with others.
The olive trees that give out inexhaustible oil to the lamps
represent how continuous and limitless is infinite MIND’s provision to all
mankind. Why two olive trees? It means the divine Father and Mother, the spiritually
masculine and feminine. Ultimately, the
two, or three, or seven used in biblical stories fit into the ONE and ALL that is
SPIRIT’s realm is imperial.
It reaches down, up and out into infinity. When we step outside of matter’s paradigms
and of our material ego we can visualize an infinite realm of spiritual
perfection. We can experience its ever-multiplying
forces for good in our body, relationships and workplace.
Spiritual understanding is the radiance of Christ. The term “Christ” is an abbreviated way of describing
TRUTH’s timeless, healing revelations.
Christ enters every hungering, willing-to-be-transformed,
“wash-me-clean” consciousness. It fills
us with LOVE’s perfection, plentitude and victory.
The Christ-light is what Zechariah perceives in the symbols of the
seven ever-lighted lamps. This light transcends
time and shines on and within everyone.
It eliminated Elijah’s failure, fear, despair and suicidal
temptations. It lifted him to a vision
of more life, power and purpose. He found
redemption and new, successful directions.
His consecration to this holier, ever-widening path brought him to the
realization of the “ALL” of SPIRIT, which turned into his ascension beyond
material limits.
Jesus expressed the Christ-light. It made it possible for him to comfort,
educate, transform and bless thousands of people. It overturned betrayal, torture and
death. He, too, ascended into the All-Light
The seven-lamps’ holy light (the Christ-light) fills all. When we are a clear transparency for it we
accomplish the seemingly impossible. We
are healed, impelled, lifted, empowered, and crowned by it. Because divine light is fueled by infinite
MIND-LOVE (by the “two olive trees”) our expanding spiritual understanding
proliferates healing and accomplishments.
Our incorporeal identities are the sparkle of SPIRIT.
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