Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Spiritual knowledge is Science

Spiritual knowledge is Science

Spiritual knowledge connects us to the alterative force of LOVE’s influence, what we can call the Christ-spirit.  Provable, spiritual knowledge is Science because it does enlighten, comfort, liberate and heal us. 

“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter; that he may abide with you forever; even the Spirit of truth …” said Jesus Christ.  Everything that illuminates us with the divine and infinite, and then draws out our spiritual best, is the “Comforter” in action.

Compounded spiritual healing experiences led radical theologian, M. B. Eddy, to state that knowledge and the experience of the divine is the ultimate Science.  She says, “This Comforter I understand to be Divine Science.” 

Because it is tempting for some to attempt to attempt to manipulate spiritual knowledge for physical well-being, she directs us to a higher purpose by writing, “Now, as then, signs and wonders are wrought in the metaphysical healing of physical disease; but these signs are only to demonstrate its divine origin, -- to attest the reality of the higher mission of the Christ-power to take away the sins of the world.” 

 Jesus regarded the “Comforter” as the highest caliber of spiritual knowledge and saving power.  He said, “And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.”   

When we are open-minded, humble and receptive to seeing life beyond the restrictions of matter we can glimpse the glory of spiritual life as the unfolding beauty of SPIRIT’s preeminence. 

When consciousness is correlated with SPIRIT then, says M. B. Eddy, “sin and disease lose their reality in human consciousness and disappear as naturally and as necessarily as darkness gives place to light and sin to reformation.” 

Radical and wonderful life-changes can happen instantly because spiritual knowledge reveals to us the spiritual wholeness, bounty and goodness that are always with us. 

A man suffering from a tumor the size of a softball saw it healed through spiritual communion alone.  The spiritual healer he called on for help encouraged him to think of their joint spiritual mediations as a way of reconciling themselves to absolute and infinite TRUTH-SPIRIT.

He was reminded that All-INTELLIGENCE, MIND, included and delineated his healthy and authentic spiritual self.  Furthermore, spiritual facts proved the falsity of any material problem, including fear, sin and sickness.   

The habitual fears and worries that had been torturing him also fell away.  He felt the tranquility that flows into us when we understand that we are immaculate expressions of SPIRIT, and that we are anointed by interminable LIFE with immortal, healthy existence. 

It is does so much good to know that the Science of divine TRUTH is supporting, sheltering and driving a perfect, spiritual universe filled with matter-free, eternal identities.  The Comforter is our understanding of this applicable, transformational, and enhancing Science. 

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