Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sacrament from and to Spirit-Love

          We can rejoice together in Love’s holy allegiance – sacrament -- to all its creation.  Love has an eternal and vivid covenant with us to be our soul, substance and mind.  Love has established wholeness as our inviolate and permanent condition. 

For most of their history the Biblical Israelites practiced animal sacrifices to communicate their sacrament to their tribal god.  The origin of the word “holocaust” comes from the thousands of animals that were sacrificially burned every day at their religious temples. 

The purity, freedom and power of true worship were revealed through Christ Jesus.  Our sacrament to the infinity and majesty of Love-Spirit is via spiritual understanding and dedicated living.  Spiritual comprehension takes away ritualistic ceremonies and rigid doctrines.  It liberates us to worship with intelligent, healing love. 

The apostle Paul, who abandoned religious rituals, exhorts us to live our commitment – sacrament -- to Spirit.  He wrote, “God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle” (II Thess. 2:13). 

Christly worship acknowledges the preeminence of Spirit and the consequent spiritual wholeness of everything that exists.  This matter-excising, Spirit-affirming worship supplants suffering with harmony, sickness with health, hatred with love, and lack with bounty. 

Spirit-Love’s sacrament to us is perceived in its cascading goodness.  Love’s healing laws support and surround us, and Love’s grace fills our being.  This divine presence in us defeats materiality’s trickery – it abrogates fear, sin, sickness, lack and injustice. 

Our temple is thought and in it we can sacrifice material lies to the glory of Spirit’s all-being.  This produces outward results that are awe-inspiring. 


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