We Are
Elevated by LOVE-GOD
Julio C.
Rivas, CS
Draw night to God and he will draw
night to you. (KJV, James 4:8)
Eddy: “To put down the claim of sin,
you must detect it, remove the mask, point out the illusion, and thus get the
victory over sin and so prove its unreality.” Also, “Since God is All, there is
no room for his unlikeness. God, Spirit,
alone created all, and called it good.
One of the hardest things to do is
to detect wrongs and correct ourselves.
We get easily fooled by groupthink, fall into counterproductive habits, self-righteousness
and rigidity. Divine WISDOM yanks us out
of our mental and cultural traps. It
motivates us to seek out and ponder contrarian viewpoints. MIND/TRUTH induces mental versatility,
adroitness, and resourcefulness and transformation. Then we enjoy SPIRIT’s
torrential blessings.
Arise go unto Nineveh, that great
city … (KJV, Jonah 3:2)
Eddy: “Since God is All, there is no
room for His unlikeness. God, Spirit,
alone created all, and called it good.”
MIND-LOVE commands thought to eschew
its fears, stubborn beliefs and material phantasms and accept its all-surrounding
mandate of unbounded health, love, bounty and freedom. Jonah's whale in the Old Testament symbolizes obstinate and apparently overwhelming fears and difficulties. But these fade away when we are conscious of LOVE's superlative grace and might. To go to Nineveh is to move thought to an
acceptance of our incorporeal unity with LOVE-SPIRIT’s all-encompassing and
ever-flowing health and goodness.
As Jesus was walking along, he saw a
man who had been blind from birth. 2 “Rabbi,”
his disciples asked him, “why was this man born blind? Was it because of his
own sins or his parents’ sins?” 3 “It was not
because of his sins or his parents’ sins,” Jesus
answered. “This happened so the power of God could be seen
in him. 4 We must
quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us. The night is
coming, and then no one can work. 5 But while I am here in the world, I am the light of the world.” 6 Then he spit on the ground, made mud with the saliva, and
spread the mud over the blind man’s eyes. 7 He
told him, “Go wash yourself in the pool of Siloam” (Siloam means “sent”). So the man went and washed and came back
seeing! (NLT, John 9:1-7)
Eddy: “Heredity is not a law.” And, “The eternal Truth destroys what mortals
seem to have learned from error, and man’s real existence as a child of God
comes to light.”
Being the fountain of our being,
PRINCIPLE-SPIRIT has provided us with an excellent and bountiful inheritance of
health, intelligence, love and resources.
Our spiritual endowments from LOVE—SPIRIT elides the multiple, specious
assertions of material heredity. Divine
excellence is our past, present and future.
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