from failure
We can draw beneficial
lessons from mistakes and failures.
When we submerge ourselves
in the baptismal “waters” of LOVE-MIND we emerge wiser and more capable. The saga of the Biblical character Joseph
proves this several times.
Joseph, the youngest and
imprudent son of Jacob and Rachel, told his older brothers this dream: “We were
out in the field, tying up bundles of grain.
Suddenly my bundle stood up, and your bundles all gathered around and
bowed low before mine!” He threw it in
their face that he believed he was superior to them.
Having been treated as
a preferred child by his parents, Joseph grew up to be a spoiled, self-centered,
arrogant and foolish man. No wonder his brothers came to resent
him. Sadly, in an act of vengeance they
sold him into slavery.
A wealthy Egyptian
named Potiphar bought him. Joseph had
now begun a process of self-analysis and personal correction. He was submitting to the morphing effects of LOVE's intelligence. This continued and over time Potiphar came to
trust Joseph implicitly. He even assigned
to Joseph the command over all his affairs.
One day Potiphar’s
wife attempted to seduce Joseph and when he did not oblige she accused him of
rape. Potiphar was deceived by his wife’s
false accusations and he took great umbrage at Joseph’s betrayal. He condemned innocent Joseph and threw him
into prison.
Instead of succumbing
to self-pity and hatred, Joseph rejoiced in his innocence and trusted TRUTH’s
divine laws of justice to bless him. While imprisoned he enhanced his understanding
and reflection of INTELLIGENCE-LOVE.
His disciplined,
spiritually attuned and studious lifestyle sharpened his mind. He acquired acute, MIND-derived insight and
foresight. His spiritual awareness
showed itself in mental agility and perspicacity. He often resolved the complex problems of his
fellow prisoners and of his jailers.
After two years he was
widely recognized for being a man of proven integrity and wisdom. Then PRINCIPLE-GOD’S laws of infinite opportunity
produced a great surprise. He was called
before Pharaoh to interpret his anxious dreams.
Pharaoh was dissatisfied with his courtside interpreters.
Joseph did it so
brilliantly that he was freed from prison by Pharaoh and placed in charge of
managing the rich grain harvests, including saving and storing for periods of
drought. Over time he rose to be the
second most powerful man in Egypt.
Seven years later a
seven-year drought and famine struck Egypt and the surrounding lands. This situation brought many people from
faraway places, including his family from Canaan, to settle in Egypt. This is how Joseph came to re-unite with his
Although at first it
was a painful experience to see his brothers, his LOVE-obtained sensibilities
made it possible to forgive and help them.
Out of the currents of
LOVE-MIND come infinite spiritual qualities and attributes. Joseph had proven this, and again he relied on
those divine flows to express forgiveness, love and generosity.
Forgiveness is
liberating. It stops us from being
victims. It fuels joy and prosperity. We
start living as victors.
SOUL-LOVE manifests in
us an eternal, immaculate, spiritual essence.
Our uncontaminated, non-material and immortal constitution is the mirror
image of SOUL-GOD.
This spiritual
comprehension produces internal and external wholeness. It is the effect of TRUTH understood. Psychological and physical scars can
disappear under the blazing light of TRUTH.
Even those derived from past failures, betrayals and extreme cruelty --
even from torture – are elided completely.
Our spiritual baptisms
make this scripture authentic: “Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind,
live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.”
GOD is our perfect
PRINCIPLE and we are its impeccable and resplendent effect. This comprehension is the propulsive force
that morphs us out of tribulations and downfalls into triumph.
At every juncture “…
it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”
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