Thursday, November 1, 2012

SPIRIT’s Healing Currents

SPIRIT’s Healing Currents


Julio C. Rivas, CS


There are outstanding healing ideas to discover when we apply a metaphysical understanding to Biblical stories.  Water, for example, has healing symbolism in the Bible. 

Revolutionary, metaphysical thinker, M. B. Eddy, provides an inspired interpretation of the Biblical rivers.  She writes this about one of them: “Euphrates (river). Divine Science encompassing the universe and man; the true idea of God; a type of the glory which is to come; metaphysics taking the place of physics; the reign of righteousness.”   

Let us apply inspiration to this story from Ezekiel 47:1-9 (New Century Version).  First let us review the story. 

“The man led me back to the door of the Temple, and I saw water coming out from under the doorway and flowing east. (The Temple faced east.) The water flowed down from the south side wall of the Temple and then south of the altar.

The man brought me out through the outer north gate and led me around outside to the outer east gate. I found the water coming out on the south side of the gate.  The man went toward the east with a line in his hand and measured about one-third of a mile. Then he led me through water that came up to my ankles.  The man measured about one-third of a mile again and led me through water that came up to my knees. Then he measured about one-third of a mile again and led me through water up to my waist.  The man measured about one-third of a mile again, but it was now a river that I could not cross. The water had risen too high; it was deep enough for swimming; it was a river that no one could cross.

The man asked me, "Human, do you see this?" Then the man led me back to the bank of the river.  As I went back, I saw many trees on both sides of the river.  The man said to me, "This water will flow toward the eastern areas and go down into the Jordan Valley. When it enters the Dead Sea, it will become fresh.  Everywhere the river goes, there will be many fish. Wherever this water goes the Dead Sea will become fresh, and so where the river goes there will be many living things.”

To put the story into its historical context we need to know that Ezekiel was one of the thousands of Israelites captive in Babylon.  It is essential to appreciate that he is imparting vision, hope, direction and resolve to his fellow Israelites. 

The vision confirms to him that LOVE-TRUTH’s eternal covenant with its blessed creation is ever-active.  He assures his people that wellness, progress and freedom are in their future.  He adds that their freedom will appear as they dedicate themselves toward living their covenant with TRUTH-LIFE (GOD). 

His vision advances and liberates us when we understand its deeper meanings.

The temple in Ezekiel’s vision represents incorporeal man’s uninterrupted spiritual unity with SPIRIT-TRUTH.  Everyone’s genuine and eternal make-up is the unfolding magnificence and wholeness of LOVE’s preeminent being. 

The gushing river symbolizes the abundant, transformative, spiritual currents that emanate from SOUL.  When we cognize and live our oneness with SPIRIT-TRUTH we experience these divine, healing flows.  These gushing, yet gentle, illuminating and inspiring currents will expand until it we feel saturated by LOVE’s grace and altered by them.  There are moments when we feel that we are swimming in LOVE’s unstoppable and superlative goodness. 

Ezekiel says that the restorative waters from the temple will enter the Dead Sea and morph it into a body of fresh water where life can thrive.  This means that spiritual inspiration and understanding restores anything ostensible hopeless and dead.  SOUL’s influx enlivens our lives; it enriches and compounds our wellness. 

A Christian hymn assures us: “For the love of God is broader than is seen by human mind, and the heart of the Eternal is most wonderfully kind.”

Indeed, our spiritual essence dwells in SPIRIT-LOVE’s spiritual environment, where material constraints are void.  Our actual life in SOUL is teeming with love, health, and goodness.  

A man hospitalized with a disease that was taking away his life asked me to pray for him.  The doctors had done what they could and they expected him to die shortly.  His family was also praying for him. 

I visualized his identity as wholly spiritual, without a trace of corporeality, and moving in synchronicity with preeminent and immutable SPIRIT-SOUL.  In fact, his celestial essence was part of the divine, timeless and harmonious flows of LIFE-GOD.  I also saw that his human body was subject to the enlivening and restorative currents of ever-flowing LOVE. 

Two days later he was released from the hospital as a healthy man. 

SPIRIT’s divine currents define the universe and man.  When we apprehend that we are a part of the perfect, eternal, incorporeal flows of SPIRIT we experience renewal, we experience fruitful transformation, and many amazing, rewarding things occur. 


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