Thursday, March 7, 2013

LOVE’s Grace Overthrows Condemnation


Julio C. Rivas, CS

LOVE’s grace allows us to overthrow condemning beliefs.  Sovereign SPIRIT-LOVE is the imperative cause of our timeless and enduring life, love, intelligence, health and resources. 

The eternal splendor of SOUL is ours to shine with.  No human fault or struggle can alter our celestial magnificence.  When we are certain of this we defeat our problems and enjoy the spiritual treasures of SOUL – such as wholeness, happiness, unity, achievement and love. 

Outstanding metaphysician and healer M. B. Eddy writes, “The eternal Truth destroys what mortals seemed to have learned from error, and man’s real existence as a child of God comes to light.”  Also, “Only by understanding that there is but one power, -- not two powers, matter and Mind, -- are scientific and logical conclusions reached.” 

Jesus’ healing of the ten lepers evinces SPIRIT-LOVE’s purifying and freeing power.  The story goes this way: “While traveling to Jerusalem, He passed between Samaria and Galilee. As He entered a village, 10 men with serious skin diseases met Him. They stood at a distance and raised their voices, saying, ‘Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!’  When He saw them, He told them, ‘Go and show yourselves to the priests.’ And while they were going, they were healed. (HCSB, Luke 17:11-14)

Lepers were ostracized by society.  Jewish priests taught that lepers were being punished by God for their sin.  Jesus knew it was going to require deep conviction and courage for the lepers’ thinking to overthrow materiality’s condemnation.  Their call to him for help evinced that they were ready to be free.   How admirable then that the lepers commenced their journey even before they were healed.  So great was their expectancy of healing. 

By heeding Jesus’ advice and setting out to show themselves to the priests the lepers were ejecting all condemnation and bathing in LOVE’s redemptive grace.  They were asserting their SOUL-given wholeness and freedom.  It is only natural that when they arrived at their destination they were healed. 

Jesus draws our attention to two other important points at the tail end of the story: gratitude and love.  He informs us that one of the ten lepers returned to thank him for his healing and that this one belonged to the community of Samaritans.  Because the Jews and Samaritans had great enmity toward each other Jesus is telling us that we will experience great healings and more of them by filling our hearts with gratitude and love. 

A woman I know was healed of a bad condition of psoriasis when she permitted LOVE’s grace to wash her heart/mind of deeply imbedded hurts and resentments.  The abuse she had suffered for years had straight-jacketed her life. 

In our conversations we had often asserted that LOVE’s love is natural to man’s being and that our welcoming of this fact redeems us mentally, emotionally and physically. 

She later told me that the full healing came over her while driving home from work.  As she came over a hill she saw the sunset and it made her think of how she was being bathed by LOVE’s effulgence.  All hurts and resentments vanished.  Gratitude, love and joy filled her. 

Everyone’s Christ-spirit can overthrow unjust, material decrees and assert LOVE’s health, bounty and freedom.  LOVE-MIND’s superlative elements make up our eternal, outstanding substance. 

We pertain to SPIRIT and are protected by LOVE.  TRUTH’s revelations shatter the illusion of material illness, dread, lack and failure. 

MIND’s spiritual wisdom and power suffuses with healing grace and direct us to successful outcomes.  

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