We Are the Opus of MIND
Julio C. Rivas, CS
human history science has been finding explanations for phenomena that were
previously viewed as either (1) designed by an anthropomorphic God or (2)
merely accidental.
until the 90s most scientists regarded the belief in God as non-scientific.
And whatever phenomena had previously been viewed as accidental, or
random, was understood to be the natural outcome of the fundamental laws of
nature. Material laws that scientists had discovered elucidated most of
our daily existence. For instance, physical laws explicate the what, how
and why of the shape of a snowflake, the orbits of planets, the trajectory of a
thrown object, the shape of the sun and planets, and much more.
theoretical physicists found that their principles were insufficient to explain
the fine precision with which human existence developed. They realized
that if the fundamental parameters (principles) of our known material universe
were slightly different, then physical life, as we know it, would not exist.
This was perplexing to them.
they asked themselves, “What caused our known universe to be created with such
exactitude?” Is it God, or accident?
even the detection of “dark energy” in 1998 provided answers to this conundrum.
Dark energy, by the way, is the invisible energy making up ¾ of the total
energy of the universe, speeding up its expansion. A microscopic more or
less of dark energy would disallow the existence of our known universe.
Its discovery left physicists amazed at the precision, or fine-tuning,
upholding our existence. For some it represents evidence of an
Intelligent Creator; for others it testifies to randomness.
the theological concept of intelligent design -- that is, an anthropomorphic
God behind everything -- does not appeal to most scientists, they have returned
to the age-old explanation of existence by accident. But they tweaked it a bit.
describe it as the theory of innumerable, multiple universes which are randomly
created (meaning, they are merely accidental creations). Furthermore,
each universe has its own particular laws. Therefore, they do not believe it is
possible to come up with a set of fundamental laws that can explain all
all scientists buy into the random, multi-verse theory. A minority of
scientists agree with the view held by a large number of theologians and
philosophers that an anthropomorphic God, engaged in extensive fine-tuning, is
the cause of our existence.
us consider a spiritual explanation. Invisible to the physical senses,
and incomprehensible to matter-trapped reasoning, is the ever-unfolding,
limitless realm of SPIRIT-INTELLIGENCE.
does not work with, nor is it limited by, matter. We can regard matter to be a
hologram of a matter-trapped, spiritually-ignorant consciousness.
SPIRIT-INTELLIGENCE is not an anthropomorphic designer because it produces
only matter-free, spiritual existence. Since the term “anthropic”
comes from the Greek word for "human man,” it cannot describe the
incorporeal, perfect and immortal designs of infinite SPIRIT-INTELLIGENCE.
science is making amazing discoveries in how to manipulate matter. In the
not-too-distant future new discoveries in molecular, atomic, and sub-atomic
engineering might do away with traditional procreation, birth, death, aging,
DNA and much more.
impressive as these material advances may be, it will be more rewarding to
discover the boundless life-possibilities that emanate from understanding
man and spiritual universe exist as the everlasting and magnificent
SELF-expression of the preeminent SPIRIT-EGO. Excellence of substance and being
are fundamental laws of our spiritual universe and of our incorporeal, immortal
generates immeasurable and unending beauty, health, love, and power in
spiritual man and throughout its divine universe. By becoming more cognizant of
SPIRIT-LOVE we prove these divine attributes and shed material shackles.
mental synchronicity with SPIRIT-LOVE exudes spiritual power and wholeness. It
makes it natural to discard old influences like fear, selfishness, hatred,
envy, revenge, murder, and sickness.
there is an intelligent designer, but it is not an anthropomorphic deity,
responsible for a material universe. It is SPIRIT-INTELLIGENCE, who works with
precision in manifesting a spiritual realm teeming with harmonious, immaculate
spiritual beings.
a matter-blinded mindset there may be random, innumerable, material
multiverses, but to a spiritually attuned consciousness, all is the manifestation
of SPIRIT-LIFE, and it is infinite, perfect, ever-unfolding, beautiful and
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