Friday, September 27, 2013


JR Blog: TRUTH-LIGHT: TRUTH-LIGHT "In Love divine all earth-born fear and sorrow fade as the dark when dawn pours forth her light ... then in this radian...

TRUTH-LIGHT cancels the myopia, mesmerism and obfuscation of matter-shackled thinking and its concomitant distresses. TRUTH-MIND alights our lives with supra goodness. 



"In Love divine all earth-born fear and sorrow fade as the dark when dawn pours forth her light ... then in this radiant light of adoration, we know that man beloved is in God's care, not wrapt in fear nor bowed with tired labor, but satisfied, complete, divinely fair." (poem/hymn by S. F. Campbell)

Eddy: “When we realize that Life is Spirit, never in nor of matter, this understanding will expand into self-completeness, finding all in God, and needing no other consciousness.”

TRUTH-LIGHT cancels the myopia, mesmerism and obfuscation of matter-shackled thinking and its concomitant distresses. TRUTH-MIND alights our lives with supra goodness. Christ-induced sapience causes us to actualize LOVE's multitudinous gifts of health, intelligence, abundance and peace.

Friday, September 6, 2013

JR Blog: We Are SPIRIT'S Shimmering

JR Blog: We Are SPIRIT'S Shimmering: We Are SPIRIT'S Shimmering  For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness. 6 So...

SPIRIT coruscates through our Christ-nature. We are SPIRIT’s discarnate, sublime and perennial treasures. Flesh-time-cycles are nullified by our discernment of our dynamic LIFE-being.

We Are SPIRIT'S Shimmering

We Are SPIRIT'S Shimmering 

For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness. 6 So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober. (ESV, Thes.5:5-6)

Eddy: “Because man is the reflection of his Maker he is not subject to birth, growth, maturity, decay. These mortal dreams are of human origin, not divine.” 

SPIRIT coruscates through our Christ-nature. We are SPIRIT’s discarnate, sublime and perennial treasures. Flesh-time-cycles are nullified by our discernment of our dynamic LIFE-being. PRINCIPLE-TRUTH is compelling our wholeness, purity and fruitfulness. By identifying with our SOUL-status we eject carnal imperfection and suffering.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

JR Blog: Not Afraid

JR Blog: Not Afraid: Not Afraid “Our Father which art in heaven.” Dear FATHER-PRINCIPLE and MOTHER-LOVE, you are multitudinous GOOD. Your comprehensive ALL-LIF...

Not Afraid

Not Afraid

“Our Father which art in heaven.”

Dear FATHER-PRINCIPLE and MOTHER-LOVE, you are multitudinous GOOD. Your comprehensive ALL-LIFE generates and subsumes an outstanding and immortal man and universe. You give us your exorbitant health, strength and wisdom. We are your cherished and protected ideas. You are bestowing on us limitless love, power and harmony. Your measureless and mighty grace is our hope and fortitude. We are cradled by your incessant tenderness and redeemed by your all-potency. Therefore, we are not afraid!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

JR Blog: SPIRIT's Luminescence in Man

JR Blog: SPIRIT's Luminescence in Man: SPIRIT's Luminescence in Man For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness. So ...

TRUTH is rousing us from the nightmare of flesh-bound hardship to the everlasting wholeness, vigor and luminescence of SPIRIT's man. We are SPIRIT’s discarnate, immaculate and perennial masterpieces. 

SPIRIT's Luminescence in Man

SPIRIT's Luminescence in Man

For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness. So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober. (ESV, Thes.5:5-6)

Eddy: “Because man is the reflection of his Maker he is not subject to birth, growth, maturity, decay. These mortal dreams are of human origin, not divine.” 

TRUTH is rousing us from the nightmare of flesh-bound hardship to the everlasting wholeness, vigor and luminescence of SPIRIT's man. We are SPIRIT’s discarnate, immaculate and perennial masterpieces. Christ-sense is empowering us with LIFE's ever-expanding health and fruition. Withering and death are unknown to TRUTH and they never affect our vibrant, spiritual substance. By identifying with our SOUL-implanted excellence we eject the lies of carnal imperfection, decay and suffering.